
After a short Christmas break, Corvus Corax Miniatures are back to show some previews. This time it's time for the first character of the Nomads faction, one taken influences in the old Norse. This is Agni, sculpted by Luc Pinganaud.


As the Christmas eve and Christmas day is about to knock on our door Corvus Corax Miniatures wishes You a Merry Christmas and a happy 2015!


Here is a scale shot for comparison using miniatures from other well-known ranges, to give a better idea of the actual size of the 35 mm scale of the Corvus Corax Miniatures range.

From left to right, the red lines are at 0 cm and 3 cm.

Top row:

  • Ilyad Games Virago - Corvus Corax Miniatures - Warhammer Chaos Beastlord - Corvus Corax Miniatures - Infinity Hassassin Fiday - Corvus Corax Miniatures

Middle row:

  • Confrontation Kelen 13th Voice - Corvus Corax Miniatures - SIMON Miniatures Goliath - Corvus Corax Miniatures - Infamy Miniatures Sherlock Holmes - Corvus Corax Miniatures

Bottom row:

  • Confrontation Kelt Fiannas - Corvux Corax Miniatures - Mierce Miniatures Carrowek - Corvus Corax Miniatures - Mierce Miniatures Beowa - Corvus Corax Miniatures


Hopefully, I'll be able to run a successful campaign on Kickstarter, which would help me to greatly speed up this project and have new miniatures available to the market. :) The campaign would be, initially, for the three outcast characters that have been shown here, on the FB page and on various forums. :) I just hope that there will be enough support to help me reach the funding goal.

If you can, and if you want to, please help me to spread the word. :)


Aktra, Sword-Mistress of the Tetsu Clan. Whereas Shogi (see below) takes the role of a support character, Aktra is one of the most refined killers of the Clan. She has, thanks to her skills, quickly raised through the ranks of the Clan, where she now is one of the highest ranking members and one of the most trusted commanders on the field of battle.


As per usual I'd like to show a photo of the resin cast when possible (that is if I got a decent picture of it). Again, I hope you agree with me that the cast looks great. As a most personal reflection, I can't express how much I like the flowing robe. I think that Juan Navarro Perez really nailed that one, in particular. :)


This is Shogi, Tempo-Strategist of the Tetsu Clan. This is the first character revealed for the Exiles, the second faction unveiled for this universe. The Tetsu Clan was once an important part of the greater Empire, but after a fall-out between the Emperor and the leader of the Tetsu Clan, all followers of the clan were exiled, hunter down like animals and killed on sight.


An example of how the resin casts will look. This one is taken before it has been cleaned up, and I think it came out pretty darn good, if I get to say so. Clean, sharp details and edges. It's pretty cool! :)